Friday, September 18, 2009

Settling into a routine?

Okay! It's been quite sometime since I've last blogged. But I'm back. Gracie has been home from the hospital for 2 months. Gabi and GiGi are going to pre school, everyone's doctor's visits and lab work has been favorable. So, now I am just getting used to the routine of getting everyone up, dressed and out the door in time. Honey, who is normally habitually late is now beating us out the door-leaving me to get everyone loaded into the car. Do you know how hard it is to put 3 kids into 3 carseats in the back of a Saturn Vue? I imagine the girls know what it feels like to be a sardine... well they would if they knew what a sardine was.

This week I decided to set goals and direct my focus in my candle biz and take Tempting Scents in a new direction. At this point any direction would be great because it's been dormant for a few months. I have placed an order and will be creating Parties In A Bag for my hostesses. Hopefully this will generate some sales and possibly some recruits as well. I have 12 holiday scents in each bag so that potential customers can get in the holiday spirit. Harvest Time and Pumpkin Cheesecake should really get some shoppers. This way I won't have to take time away from the girls. They can ride with me when I make deliveries.

In the meantime, I am going to be working on some otherways to generate business/recruits. Wish me luck!

Monday, June 29, 2009

The fun is starting to begin

I've only been a mommy for 4 years, 4 months, and 25 days but what an amazing journey it's been. The lessons I've learned are amazing and the transformations in my girls is truly unbelievable.

Watching Gabi go/grow from totally dependant and needy to a miniature teenager these last few months has been entertaining and scary at the same time. She has always had an amazing vocabulary, but her personality and mannerisms shock, stun, and surprise everyone. She talks on the phone and chews gum and it's like watching a 15 year old. GiGi has been the baby of the family and of course she is feeling the change of not being the baby. Gracen is not yet home from the hospital yet but she still trying to jockey for position and importance. She is still a 3 year old and acts it. I know that Gracie will be home soon, and boy... life is about to really get interesting.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

The baby is here, sort of

Okay, so I haven't written since June 8th. So much has gone on. I got to the hospital- late of course because we couldn't find a parking spot. It didn't matter anyway. My doctor was still at his out of town clinic, they had no rooms available so I couldn't check in, and 4 women came in to the unit in labor so they of course got attention over me and my scheduled c-section. Which, I was okay with cuz I don't do pain and I wanted them to get relief. So, at about noon, I was finally taken back and put into a room- Great! Just in time for Divorce Court. I wanted to do something relaxing before going to the OR.

I get to the OR at 1, I'm cold- freezing actually and the anesthesiologist must have been a part time mortician because that man had the coldest hands in AMERICA!!! The epidural was horrible. They had to keep pumping medicine into me. It just went on and on, but finally, Gracen Aya was born at 1:39 p.m. and when Honey passed her to me, I remember saying, "Oh, she is so pretty." and passing straight out. When I woke up, I was in a totally different room and my mom was there giving her a bath. So anyway, we were discharged to go home on June 15th, but something just wasn't right. We took Gracie to the ER the next morning at 4:30 and she has been in the hospital since. My incision has been giving me the blues, and I've had home health twice a day so I haven't been getting around doing what I needed to do to see about the kids or the baby. She got out of ICU yesterday and is now in a ward, because I can't stay with her and I can't care for the girls because of my wound care. Imagine my sadness and stress. I can't wait for her to get home. This emotional roller coaster is wearing me out, especially since I can't get around to see her and hold her like I want to!

Monday, June 8, 2009

In the homestretch

Well, in 4 more days the baby bump will be no more. We will finally get to meet the last and final G: Ms. Gracen Aya. I am very excited to meet this stubborn sweet little baby. Who will she look like? Who will she act like? Which sister will she aggravate more? How big will she be?

Well, I'm off for a lunch date with hubby; probably the last for a long time to come.

Friday, June 5, 2009

36 weeks...

Okay, so here we are: 36 weeks, my stomach feels like it will pop at any moment. The child now weighs 7 pounds. Monday the doctor measure her ever present foot during the ultra sound. 2 3/4 inches long! I haven't been to sleep since yesterday. I usually sleep on the couch. Honey was complaining about sleeping alone. Heck, I was in the bed and he still slept alone-he was the only one sleeping.

I remember looking at the clock at 4:20 thinking I really want to go to Denny's. Then my mind was convinced that I should have a vodka sunrise and it would be okay. Don't know where these thoughts came from. Of course, I never moved from my uncomfortable perch in the bed. But that's what I was thinking.

Why is the child being so stubborn? Everyone else came without warning or prompting.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Still Going Strong

So, I am now in the middle of the 35th week and nothing has happened. I went to the ER Monday morning in a lot of pain. Of course, that stopped once they strapped the monitors on my tummy. Only 4 contractions. Then had my regular appt on Tuesday, still not dialating. Sigh.

The girls are very ready for their new baby to come home. I'm ready for Gracie to vacate my body. In the meantime, the girls want to play outside all the time and blow bubbles. I'm doing ALL I can do to just be. Thankfully, June 12th is not too far away.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

It's Almost Time to Meet the 3rd G

Okay, so I have really been MIA for the last month. I am now 35 weeks pregnant! I've never gotten that far. Gabi was born at 34 weeks but she was in such great distress. This time, Gracen is doing perfectly wonderful! The last ultrasound was Monday and she is over 6 pounds (wow) breathing on her own, and I am so very ready. Of course this is a big deal to us because Gabi weighed 4 pounds and 3 ounces, GiGi weighed 4 lbs 2 oz.
I'm a nervous wreck because I am at great risk for uterine rupture and I dont need that at all. I have 2 other kids and a husband to live for. Therefore, the doctor and I will be having a definite conversation on Tuesday at my next appointment. The girls are very excited and so is everyone else. Ready for the baby to get here. Looks like this time, we're bringing one home with us!
Things are getting quite interesting around here. GiGi is excited to an extent. She wants to see the baby, but she knows that she is going to lose a lot of attention and that makes her very angry. She is and always has been aggressive. Gabi is older but much smaller and she doesn't realize her own strength, so imagine my fears for putting an infant in the backseat between the two of them.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

So Much To Do, So Little Time

I've been away for quite sometime. Gabi has been complaining of neck and shoulder pain. We finally got in to see her neurosurgeon who just wasn't convinced it was anything serious. Whatever! You just don't go from Happy Happy Joy Joy to ow I hurt everyday and nothing is wrong. In addition to Tylenol, I am trying non medication remedies like heating pads and therapeutic bath soaks. They seem to be giving her relief. In the meantime, I am waiting for an MRI to be scheduled.

I had an appointment with my OB. I was originally scheduled for June 19th for Gracie's arrival but now it seems like we will be altering our plans to bring her a bit earlier. She and I are going to have a long talk, because I make the plans. The girls have big doctor's appointments on June 10 and I like to be present at all of them.

I had me 3rd vendor booth this past weekend. This weekend was the annual Blues on the River and since I am still trying to market my business and get my name out, I sat outside on the banks of the Arkansas river AGAIN selling my wares. This time I had candles, body scrubs, and gift baskets. We were next to people with purses, clothes, and jewelry. Business was slow for everyone most of the evening, but around 9 p.m. a man from the store next to my daughter's daycare came up and started shopping. I am on my way to sign him up as a recruit. He wants to retail the candles in his shop!!! Whoo Hoo for me!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

I've Been MIA for a week

Happy Easter! It's been week since my last post, but so much has gone on. Gabi's God-father died of a heart attack while preaching. So yesterday we went to Fayetteville for the funeral. It was a bitersweet reunion for my husband who got to see lots of former teammates.

We've had lots of severe weather this week, which I can say has really interfered with my book club activity (how rude of me to say that). We're reading the Black Door by Velvet and OMG! it is so good. It's an online book club and we discuss the book through and open chat forum on Cafe Mom (love that site). Of course we were only supposed to read the first 10 chapters and discuss them. I've already finished the book, and posted questions for those chapters. And cant wait to read the 2nd book in the series.

We've been to therapy all week. Gabi is complaining of neck and leg pain. I hope that her symptoms from the Chiari aren't starting up again. And then we had the all important Violin lessons. She was NOT going to let anyone have a moment's peace until we got to the class for lessons. Now our issue is finding a violin small enough for her. We had a 1/8 and now we are going to have to search high and low to have her sized for a 1/16 or 1/32 and you know that is going to stress me out for the week, because the next class is Friday!

Baby Gracie is growing like a week, and I have the tummy to prove it. The kicks and punches make me think I am carrying Jean Claude Van Dam. 10 weeks to go! Whoo Hoo! I'd post pictures, but one of the lovely G's broke the camera. Gotta get it fixed this week. I'm missing out on too much! Enjoy your Easter and your family!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

On The Preschool Hunt

Gabi and GiGi have been inseperable since January 2007. At first, they went to 2 different daycares because the center Gabi went to in Texas did not enroll children under 6 months. They ended up together at GiGi's home day care. Then I left the classroom to be home with them full time. Since moving to Arkansas, they've been at the same center and for the last year, in the same class. So now, they are 4 and almost 3 y.o. and it is time to put them in a preschool program. Of course, I need to find one that has onsite therapy (PT/OT/Speech and be able to provide her with tube feedings) but ideally one that is very child centered and fun.
Today, we went on the first of what I hope will a short list of tours of preschool centers. We visited the Easter Seals preschool that provides childcare/preschool services for children 6 months to 5 years of age. Beautiful place. The teachers each have dual certification- Early Childhood and Special Ed. The therapists are on site. There is a certified teacher and 2 aides per classroom and everything is beautiful. They work with regular ed and special needs children.
Why oh Why did Gabi start crying 'don't leave me, don't leave me'? That was the most upsetting thing in the world. GiGi had already walked off and made her way to EVERY center in the classrooms. Of course Gabi's answer to that was to walk into the room, grab GiGi's hand and say, "let's go!"
Of course, if I could have my way, they would go to a Montesorri school next year. But, Montessori's do not provide services. All this and I am still trying to figure out my next move as far as Gracie and will I go back to work next year.
I'm learning about network marketing slowly but surely, but I am unable to grow my business like I want to with 2 little people and one on the way. Hope to figure it out soon.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Spring Break Has Come To An End

After a week of everyone being home together, spring break finally ended, thankfully and everyone GOT OUT and went back to school. I even packed Gabi up for the day and let her go to the daycare for the day. Of course, that doesn't mean I sat around being a lady of leisure. I had an early morning doctor's appointment and had to take the Glucose tolerance test. Can you say "YUCK"? That did it I felt sick for the rest of the day. Then I had to visit the other side of the hospital to see my father in law who had knee replacement surgery this morning.

Now, here with the girls and cooking dinner so we can go back up to the hospital later so they can see Paw Paw. Tomorrow we start back on our therapy schedule and I also have a few candle deliveries to make. Hopefully I will get some sales/leads.

I've learned a lot about Chiari over the weekend and Thank God Gabi is the exception. I hope that we can get a local support group started here in the near future. That would be so great for us and maybe even bring me some recruits since many Chiari parents are also SAHM's. In the meantime, I am also working on my Mocha Moms charter. I am so ready to get that rolling.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

It's Spring Break... After All

Even though I am at home full time, I decided to take advantage of Honey being home from school for a week. He has taken Gabi to therapy this week and I've taken the time to enjoy the blissful silence and put my swollen feet up. Today, we saw the perinatologist. I have gained 5 pounds since my last visit 2 weeks ago! Whoo Hoo! We got measurements and baby Gracie is looking good! 2 pounds and 8 ounces. So far so good. At this point, he doesn't see anything that points to a premature delivery but I am only 26 weeks and anything could happen between now and then since I have a history of premature deliveries.
Gabi had a weight check today. She has hit a plateau of 27 pounds, she's almost 28 now. The feeding therapy is going okay. Hard to really get a good feel fo it since she is so full from her tube feedings. GiGi is really trying to make sure that we don't forget her in the shuffle. She knows the baby is coming and she is clinging hard for Mommy and Daddy.
We've been doing a lot of special things this week. Saturday, I took the girls to have pedicures! They loved that. Of course, GiGi had to mess hers up no sooner than they were finished. Gabi, being the pretty girl she is wouldn't put on shoes for the rest of the day for fear she would ruin them. Monday after therapy, we went to the park on the riverfront. It was so good to see Gabi run and play. GiGi had a ball! She climbed hills, ladders, did some rock climbing and made me a nervous wreck on the slide. She came down face first and landed on her head and her neck was bent backwards! That was it, it was time to go! We have 2 more days to go for this break. Wonder what we'll do before the week is over? This is also the first spring break that Honey and I haven't gotten on each other's nerves. Well, the first spring break was the week of our wedding. The 2nd spring break we had a new baby. 3rd spring break we found out we were having a girl and last year we drove each other crazy. This year, we've been out to eat and just hung out. The calm before the storm. Soon there will be 3 little girls under the age of 5... Uh Oh!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Chiari Therapy is Never Ending

Of course when I made the decision to stay home with Gabi it was because she needed round the clock care, and as her mommy no one could or would do what I do. She has several developmental delays, is NPO and receives 5 bolus feeds during the day via a feeding tube, and goes to therapy twice a week. But with my growing tummy and fading energy, the addition of speech therapy is physically overwhelming. Finding out she has Chiari Malformation was like the answer to a great mystery.

Before she was discharged from the hospital, the clinical speech pathologist said that the speech therapist would come to the house. Well, we didn't contact them and set anything up until a couple of weeks ago because of all the doctor's appointments. When I finally called them you can imagine my surprise when I was informed that we go to their facility as well. Twice a week! So, today was her 1st day. Not only were we 30 minutes late because I had the directions wrong, but Gabi got sick from her feed. Ugh!

Afterwards we picked GiGi with the intention of having a girls day out. She has been so clingy and attention seeking since Gabi is home with me all day. We didn't get to go anywhere or do anything. She just wanted to cuddle with mommy and go to sleep. I guess we will try again tomorrow- they want to get their toenails done. In addition to going to a birthday party for a friend's son.

I did get to join to 2 online Chiari Parents groups. I've met a few parents at the hospital who also would like a local support group because this is very stressful to deal with. My business is suffering. I was planning to visit some hair salons and car dealerships today. But, at least the girls are happy, staying healthy and know I love them. And as long as they're doing well, Honey is happy too. In this economy, not many husbands would welcome their wife giving up an income. I am so thankful that I can, I'll be glad to gain a bit more energy. When will that be?

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Spring has Sprung

The temperature has gone up and down (mostly down) so much this year, that when the thermometer proudly displayed 81 degrees, we ran to light the grill for the first BBQ of the season. Nothing major, just a few hotdogs and two
steaks. Being out there felt good, but I also realized just how much work needs to be done on our back yard. So now, in addition to trying to remain pregnant for as long as possible, I am going to direct my attention to creating a relaxing backyard that we can really enjoy this summer. (via the internet of course!) I am determined to have an outdoor dining area and swing before the end of May. We'll see about that...
It was so nice to have warm weather. I've only been in Arkansas a little over a year and a half, but the weather here is truly unpredictable. Friday morning it was 33 degrees outside and today it's 57!
Gabi had PT today and as usual she was the life of the rehab center. She sang and danced and kept everyone laughing. The child was functioning in full delirium. All this was following an overnight sleep study at the children's hospital. She politely passed out in the backseat as we were on our way to sign GiGi for T-Ball. Needless to say, we're home for the evening.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Meet the Gs

From December 19, 2008 to January 19, 2009 I went from being a 6th grade English teacher to a Stay At Home Mommy/Chauffer to my daughters Gabi and GiGi.

The bell rang at 3:45 p.m. on December 19th and like all the other teachers and students I thought I was going home for two weeks of peace and quiet with my family. Then, I discovered I was 2 1/2 months pregnant! Then, Gabi was admitted to the hospital totally dehydrated, malnourished, and miserable. She weighed 19 pounds when she was admitted. She is up to 28 pounds now and recently celebrated her 4th birthday as a normal, happy little girl!!! Over the next 22 days, Gabi had an NG-tube inserted, then a G-tube placed surgically, and ultimately a Chiari Decompression after being diagnosed with Chiari Malformation.
After Gabi was discharged from the hospital on January 19, 2009; GiGi had out patient surgery to place her 3rd set of tubes in her ears!
Gabi's schedule is OT/PT on Tuesdays and Thursdays, Speech Therapy on Fridays, and other doctor's appointments in addition to my own prenatal and high risk specialist appointments. I'm 25 weeks along now and tire easily, but still going. The decision to come home full time was a no-brainer. I also decided to pursue my candle business full time through vendor booths as the opportunities came. Whew, am I tired!