Thursday, June 25, 2009

The baby is here, sort of

Okay, so I haven't written since June 8th. So much has gone on. I got to the hospital- late of course because we couldn't find a parking spot. It didn't matter anyway. My doctor was still at his out of town clinic, they had no rooms available so I couldn't check in, and 4 women came in to the unit in labor so they of course got attention over me and my scheduled c-section. Which, I was okay with cuz I don't do pain and I wanted them to get relief. So, at about noon, I was finally taken back and put into a room- Great! Just in time for Divorce Court. I wanted to do something relaxing before going to the OR.

I get to the OR at 1, I'm cold- freezing actually and the anesthesiologist must have been a part time mortician because that man had the coldest hands in AMERICA!!! The epidural was horrible. They had to keep pumping medicine into me. It just went on and on, but finally, Gracen Aya was born at 1:39 p.m. and when Honey passed her to me, I remember saying, "Oh, she is so pretty." and passing straight out. When I woke up, I was in a totally different room and my mom was there giving her a bath. So anyway, we were discharged to go home on June 15th, but something just wasn't right. We took Gracie to the ER the next morning at 4:30 and she has been in the hospital since. My incision has been giving me the blues, and I've had home health twice a day so I haven't been getting around doing what I needed to do to see about the kids or the baby. She got out of ICU yesterday and is now in a ward, because I can't stay with her and I can't care for the girls because of my wound care. Imagine my sadness and stress. I can't wait for her to get home. This emotional roller coaster is wearing me out, especially since I can't get around to see her and hold her like I want to!

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