Thursday, April 2, 2009

On The Preschool Hunt

Gabi and GiGi have been inseperable since January 2007. At first, they went to 2 different daycares because the center Gabi went to in Texas did not enroll children under 6 months. They ended up together at GiGi's home day care. Then I left the classroom to be home with them full time. Since moving to Arkansas, they've been at the same center and for the last year, in the same class. So now, they are 4 and almost 3 y.o. and it is time to put them in a preschool program. Of course, I need to find one that has onsite therapy (PT/OT/Speech and be able to provide her with tube feedings) but ideally one that is very child centered and fun.
Today, we went on the first of what I hope will a short list of tours of preschool centers. We visited the Easter Seals preschool that provides childcare/preschool services for children 6 months to 5 years of age. Beautiful place. The teachers each have dual certification- Early Childhood and Special Ed. The therapists are on site. There is a certified teacher and 2 aides per classroom and everything is beautiful. They work with regular ed and special needs children.
Why oh Why did Gabi start crying 'don't leave me, don't leave me'? That was the most upsetting thing in the world. GiGi had already walked off and made her way to EVERY center in the classrooms. Of course Gabi's answer to that was to walk into the room, grab GiGi's hand and say, "let's go!"
Of course, if I could have my way, they would go to a Montesorri school next year. But, Montessori's do not provide services. All this and I am still trying to figure out my next move as far as Gracie and will I go back to work next year.
I'm learning about network marketing slowly but surely, but I am unable to grow my business like I want to with 2 little people and one on the way. Hope to figure it out soon.

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