Friday, February 26, 2010

Mommy has been so busy

After. Don't ask why, they posted backwards!!!

Today, I wrapped myself for the 3rd time this month. I have been taking pictures before and after each event. Unfortunately, Friday I discovered the USB plug would no longer fit the camera! To make matters worse, as I was pulling clothes from the washer, guess what fell out??? The camera! OH NO!
We've had snow. We've had a teething baby. An evening program by the PK 3, Mocha Moms meetings, housework, now a super clean probably non functioning camera!!!
I do have pictures of the very first time I wrapped in October...If and when the camera/memory card come to life- I'll post updated pics.

1 comment:

  1. Come link your blog to our Arkansas Bloggers group that is forming. There are absolutely not obligations...just a way for us to be aware of others in Arkansas who are blogging.
