Friday, February 26, 2010

Mommy has been so busy

After. Don't ask why, they posted backwards!!!

Today, I wrapped myself for the 3rd time this month. I have been taking pictures before and after each event. Unfortunately, Friday I discovered the USB plug would no longer fit the camera! To make matters worse, as I was pulling clothes from the washer, guess what fell out??? The camera! OH NO!
We've had snow. We've had a teething baby. An evening program by the PK 3, Mocha Moms meetings, housework, now a super clean probably non functioning camera!!!
I do have pictures of the very first time I wrapped in October...If and when the camera/memory card come to life- I'll post updated pics.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Day 1 With The Ultimate Body Wrap

Today I began my 30 days with the Ultimate Body Applicator. I will be wearing an abdomen wrap once a week for 45 minutes to an hour for the next 30 days. I'm not sure what kind results I will have. Considering I had my 3rd c-section in June and have measurable scar tissue, there's only going to be so much to reduce.

Nevertheless, I wore the wrap today. I began by taking my measurements:

upper abdomen, waist, and lower abdomen. Before the wrap the measurements were: 29, 34, and 35 respectively. Afterwards: 29, 32, and 34. My starting weight is 127 pounds. We'll see what my weight and measurements are at the end of the 30 days.

I've been told that sometimes there is measurable inch loss next morning as well. We'll see. I did nothing extraordinary. Most people who use this product are participating in a regular exercise regimen or at least dieting. Considering I have 3 children that are 5 and under, I figure that's plenty of exercise. My husband cooked a big seafood dinner tonight, so, the three inches lost might have been in vain. Because I knew I was starting my 30 days, I did not do a lot of extra snacking and nibbling and drank a lot of water.

If I were interested in actually losing some weight, the Thermogenics pills would be the perfect companion as they are fat blockers. Because the body applicators can only be worn every 72 hours, the defining gel is the perfect partner as it can be applied daily- in between wraps.

Next week I'll begin sending out salon packs inviting salon owners to fill their retail space with It Works! products...

Monday, February 8, 2010

Changing My Focus

I've been pretty lax when it came to updating my blog and for a good while, stopped altogether. Then I became a distributor for It Works! I have recently purchased the domain names, and for my It Works! businesses and I also have a twitter account by the same name. To further promote the business, I joined a few groups on Facebook advertising the Ultimate Body Applicator. Now that I am getting some interest, it's time for me to get followers and start showing them that It Works! is not just a name, but the truth.

So, starting tomorrow, for the next 30 days, I am going to use 1 body wrap per week to tighten and tone my tummy and record how many inches I lose. As I promote my business, I'll still be managing and maintaining a household of 3 girls and a football coach husband, doctor's appointments, therapy appointments, and establishing the Central Arkansas Chapter of Mocha Moms, Inc. presence in the state. My journey in 2010 should be interesting...