Tuesday, April 28, 2009

So Much To Do, So Little Time

I've been away for quite sometime. Gabi has been complaining of neck and shoulder pain. We finally got in to see her neurosurgeon who just wasn't convinced it was anything serious. Whatever! You just don't go from Happy Happy Joy Joy to ow I hurt everyday and nothing is wrong. In addition to Tylenol, I am trying non medication remedies like heating pads and therapeutic bath soaks. They seem to be giving her relief. In the meantime, I am waiting for an MRI to be scheduled.

I had an appointment with my OB. I was originally scheduled for June 19th for Gracie's arrival but now it seems like we will be altering our plans to bring her a bit earlier. She and I are going to have a long talk, because I make the plans. The girls have big doctor's appointments on June 10 and I like to be present at all of them.

I had me 3rd vendor booth this past weekend. This weekend was the annual Blues on the River and since I am still trying to market my business and get my name out, I sat outside on the banks of the Arkansas river AGAIN selling my wares. This time I had candles, body scrubs, and gift baskets. We were next to people with purses, clothes, and jewelry. Business was slow for everyone most of the evening, but around 9 p.m. a man from the store next to my daughter's daycare came up and started shopping. I am on my way to sign him up as a recruit. He wants to retail the candles in his shop!!! Whoo Hoo for me!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

I've Been MIA for a week

Happy Easter! It's been week since my last post, but so much has gone on. Gabi's God-father died of a heart attack while preaching. So yesterday we went to Fayetteville for the funeral. It was a bitersweet reunion for my husband who got to see lots of former teammates.

We've had lots of severe weather this week, which I can say has really interfered with my book club activity (how rude of me to say that). We're reading the Black Door by Velvet and OMG! it is so good. It's an online book club and we discuss the book through and open chat forum on Cafe Mom (love that site). Of course we were only supposed to read the first 10 chapters and discuss them. I've already finished the book, and posted questions for those chapters. And cant wait to read the 2nd book in the series.

We've been to therapy all week. Gabi is complaining of neck and leg pain. I hope that her symptoms from the Chiari aren't starting up again. And then we had the all important Violin lessons. She was NOT going to let anyone have a moment's peace until we got to the class for lessons. Now our issue is finding a violin small enough for her. We had a 1/8 and now we are going to have to search high and low to have her sized for a 1/16 or 1/32 and you know that is going to stress me out for the week, because the next class is Friday!

Baby Gracie is growing like a week, and I have the tummy to prove it. The kicks and punches make me think I am carrying Jean Claude Van Dam. 10 weeks to go! Whoo Hoo! I'd post pictures, but one of the lovely G's broke the camera. Gotta get it fixed this week. I'm missing out on too much! Enjoy your Easter and your family!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

On The Preschool Hunt

Gabi and GiGi have been inseperable since January 2007. At first, they went to 2 different daycares because the center Gabi went to in Texas did not enroll children under 6 months. They ended up together at GiGi's home day care. Then I left the classroom to be home with them full time. Since moving to Arkansas, they've been at the same center and for the last year, in the same class. So now, they are 4 and almost 3 y.o. and it is time to put them in a preschool program. Of course, I need to find one that has onsite therapy (PT/OT/Speech and be able to provide her with tube feedings) but ideally one that is very child centered and fun.
Today, we went on the first of what I hope will a short list of tours of preschool centers. We visited the Easter Seals preschool that provides childcare/preschool services for children 6 months to 5 years of age. Beautiful place. The teachers each have dual certification- Early Childhood and Special Ed. The therapists are on site. There is a certified teacher and 2 aides per classroom and everything is beautiful. They work with regular ed and special needs children.
Why oh Why did Gabi start crying 'don't leave me, don't leave me'? That was the most upsetting thing in the world. GiGi had already walked off and made her way to EVERY center in the classrooms. Of course Gabi's answer to that was to walk into the room, grab GiGi's hand and say, "let's go!"
Of course, if I could have my way, they would go to a Montesorri school next year. But, Montessori's do not provide services. All this and I am still trying to figure out my next move as far as Gracie and will I go back to work next year.
I'm learning about network marketing slowly but surely, but I am unable to grow my business like I want to with 2 little people and one on the way. Hope to figure it out soon.